Compliant in Precise Controls

Canada has a complex meat inspection system in place to help ensure we all have access to a safe and wholesome food supply. Inspection is not related to eating quality, but for the safe consumption of food to buy and sell to your customers and bring home to your family.

Inspection can take place at the federal, provincial and municipal government levels. Our processing facility at DeBoer’s is only federally inspected. Additionally, to show trust and assurances to our customers, we have third party audits at our plant, our primaries, and the farms we source our animals from. This validated documentation and auditing substantiates all our claims and assurances, not just by word of mouth but by proof in the food we produce.

Canadian Food Inspection Agency - CFIA

CFIA is dedicated to safeguarding the health and safety of Canada’s food, plants and animals which supports a healthy and competitive agriculture and agri-food sector. Inspectors on the ground are an important element of the regulatory system, but they represent only part of the investments by the CFIA to protect Canadians. These investments include: 

  • Setting the rules
  • Promoting compliance
  • Monitoring and enforcing safety rules
  • Granting permissions
  • Developing international science-based rules, standards, guidelines and policies
  • Promoting the Canadian regulatory system

Third Party Audited

NSF International and its family of companies (NSF) is committed to act impartially in carrying out certification, testing, inspection, registration, validation and verification activities. Independent mechanisms established by top management, along with corporate policies and procedures, control conflicts of interest and ensure the objectivity and transparency of all aspects of our activities.

NSF manages risks to impartiality by adhering to accreditation standards and regulatory requirements and policies; providing the necessary training to appropriate staff; and ensuring that our evidence-based processes are documented. Together these actions safeguard against inappropriate influence from interested parties. Providing service to our customers that meets their expectations is our primary function. In all aspects of our services we act impartially and safeguard our mark as a representation of our credibility, in order to provide the true value of third-party services to our customers. NSF International is accredited by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (, the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) (, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) ( and the International Accreditation Service ( NSF laboratories worldwide are ISO/IEC 17025 accredited for testing and calibration and the Ann Arbor location is an OSHA Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory.

Organic Certification

COR certification is required by any operator (within or outside of Canada) who wishes to produce, process, package or label a product for human or livestock consumption with an organic claim, and place it for sale in Canada.

Products that can be certified under the COR are:

  • Agricultural Products Animals and/or plants or an animal or plant product intended for human consumption
  • Products intended for human consumption and wholly or partly derived from animals and/or plants
  • Animal and/or plants intended to feed livestock
  • Products derived from animals and/or plants and intended to feed livestock
  • Any plant part used to grow plants for the purpose of human or livestock consumption

Product that cannot be certified under the COR (not an inclusive list) are:

  • Aquaculture products
  • Natural Health Products, as defined by the Natural Health Product Regulations
  • Drugs, as defined by the Food and Drugs Act
  • Cosmetics and Textiles
  • Pet Food

Under the COR, persons/operators who perform an activity or service related to organic production may receive an Attestation of Compliance. Such activities or services may include:

  • The slaughtering of organic livestock or the transportation and storage of organic livestock or an organic product
  • Custom services for bulk agricultural products such as seed cleaning where the ownership of the products remains with the primary producer/processor
  • A person owning a certified organic product and involved in the sale of the organic product such as a trader, importer and distributor

Family Farms Audited and Animal Welfare

Global Animal Partnership’s – GAP – 5-Step Animal Welfare Rating Program was developed with the animal’s welfare as the primary focus. But what does farm animal welfare mean? We define animal welfare as 3 overlapping components that together with good management and genetics, contribute to good farm animal welfare:

  • Health & Productivity – raising animals so that they’re healthy and productive with good quality feed and water, shelter, and free from disease, illness and injury (but treating any animals that get sick).
  • Natural Living – raising animals in environments that allow them to express their natural behaviors effectively – both indoors and outdoors
  • Emotional Well Being – raising animals in environments that provide them the ability to be inquisitive, happy and playful and minimize boredom, frustration, fear, stress and pain, as much as possible.

Halal Certification

Since 1988 ISNA® Canada has been providing Halal Certification Services (HCS) to the Muslim communities not only in Canada and the United States but throughout the Muslim world. ISNA® Canada developed its Halal Logo to be put on the packages certified by it to assure the Muslims that package contains the Halal food.

Certification work has expanded considerably to provide a better and credible assurance for all kinds of Halal food for the Muslims not only in Canada but for the rest of the world.

HCS is entrusted with the responsibilities of Halal Food certification being produced and manufactured in Canada in the United States and is branded with the ISNA® Canada Halal Logo.

From 2017, any Halal Certification, previously undertaken by ISNA® Halal Certification Agency (HCA) is transferred to ISNA Canada – Halal Certification Services (HCS).